Must Be The Most Expensive Camera Bag

Imelda Marcos, the wife of Ferdinand Marcos, the ex-president of the Philippine, was famous for having a closet the size of a large bedroom with the walls having 1000s of pairs of shoes, costing millions of dollars.

I’m not as bad with camera bags as Imelda Marcos was with shoes, but I can always look…

I found this bag on Amazon on August 6th: It looks like a ‘cheap’ bag but at: $7,729.31? Plus, I would have to pay for the shipping!

I know that the Canadian Dollar has been slipping, but it’s still $5,929.15 USD! Here’s the listing on August 6th.

camera bag
camera bag

4 days later, the price went down to $6,393.80 (Canadian). Here’s the listing on August 10th. Can we call this a bargain priced camera bag?

camera bag
Can we call this a bargain priced camera bag?
camera bag

Can we call this a bargain priced camera bag?

And then I found what looks to be the same bag, but this time a listing that includes free shipping and the price is reasonable.

camera bag
Envoy Compact Messenger Camera Bag
camera bag

Envoy Compact Messenger Camera Bag

To me, this looks like we have 3 different listings for the same item at different prices. Do I hear price gouging?