The Great Chicken Conspiracy

The Great Chicken Conspiracy

Conspiracies are everywhere. There is the 9/11 conspiracy where people claim that it was George Bush that bombed the Twin Towers in New York. There is the Area 51 conspiracy in Nevada.
Peace in Vancouver, BC

Peace in Vancouver, BC

Her name is ‘Peace’. She’s a 3 or 4 years old and she deserves her name. Her owners first gave her that name because she’s nice and pleasant, then they found the name tag to match.
Let's Get Mooving

Let's Get Mooving

Let’s get “mooving.” The dog has to pull her owner. Actually, I don’t think that we can say who’s owning who. The lady legally owns the dog, but the dog is definitely in charge and owns his human.
The Dogs By-Laws

The Dogs By-Laws

Vancouver, like almost all city, have some kind of animal by-laws. They want to control, regulate and make some money from people with animals.