Frankie, the Dachshund


Frankie is an 11 years old “sausage”, aka a Dachshund, with high blood pressure. He’s very unhappy about it. Now in addition to his other pills, he is also on a low-sodium diet. This means that Frankie can’t eat any of his favorite treats such as pepperoni, sausages, roast beef… It’s a real disaster!

Years ago, I saw this lady, she had a Dachshund with a huge plastic bun and yellow mustard on top to keep the 2 sides of bun around her “sausage”. And since then, I always call these Dachshund: “sausages”. If I ever get a Dashchund, his or her name will be Sausage…

Most of them, including Frankie, have a great character. They can be very stubborn when chasing any small moving objects or animals. One of Frankie’s favorite activity is to burrow himself in the blankets.


Camera: Canon 7DMk ISO 100 and 1/320
Lens: Canon 70-200mm f/4 @155mm and f/6.3
Processed with Rawtherapee: