Buddha, The Pug

Normally for almost all of my dog and cat photography, I’m either kneeling or laying down on my belly to be at the same level as the cat or the dog.

Buddha is a “shortie” and he knows that. Unlike almost all the other small dogs, he climbs and finds his way around to be either at eye level or above the people. That’s one of the ways of showing his dominance.


I’m not sure that it’s actually a sign of dominance for Buddha. One thing for sure is that Buddha thinks of himself as the equal of people.

Buddha’s not afraid of people but this doesn’t mean that he’s friendly to people, he looks at them, observes them, then most often he decides to walk away.


Camera: Canon EOS 7D ISO 100 and 1/160
Lens: Canon EF70-200mm f/4L IS USM @97mm and f/7.1
Processed with ART: https://bitbucket.org/agriggio/art/wiki/Home/