Missing Cat Sign
Helios, the cat, has gone missing.
Lately, there’s been a lot of missing cat signs. If Helios’ owners can find him within a couple of days of him disappearing then the cat will be OK.
The problem is that it’s very unlikely that they will ever find him. In my neighbourhood, almost all of these missing cats have been Coyotes’ dinners. We have a very large park with many smaller parks in the neighborhood and there are quite a few Coyotes roaming the streets. I’ve encountered a few myself. I have seen single coyotes during the day but most often they walk around as a pair at night.
The last time my dog and I encounters a pair of Coyotes, I made a lot of noise and waved my arms around. The coyotes were considering my dog as a potential dinner. Lucklily, I convinced them otherwise and they moved on…
BTW, the phone numbers on the sign are not Vancouver/local phone numbers.
Camera: Canon 7DMk2 ISO 1000 and 1/500
Lens: Canon 70-200mm f/4 @144mm and f/7.1
Processed with Darktable 4.0.0: https://www.darktable.org/