
The Alarm System: Vancouver, BC

The Alarm System: Vancouver, BC

The electrician was putting new electrical wiring and an alarm system in a new brand new house. He was there for over a week. He had two dogs that he kept in his van. The van’s backdoor staid open the whole day. Every hour or so, he said that he comes and checks on them that is unless I pass by and takes some photos…

A Happy Dodoïte: West Vancouver, BC

A Happy Dodoïte: West Vancouver, BC

This is my dog, Dodoïte (pronounced: Dodo ïte). He’s happy. This is one of his favorite walk: Ambleside Park in West Vancouver, BC. He loves running around and sniffing the other dogs.

He hates the city. The city scares him. All the sharp noises, the people, the cars, the big trucks, the planes overhead, the constructions, the sudden moves… Everything scares him. He hates the rain, he hates the wind. Just yesterday a tree “attacked” him. He was in the middle of his pee and the tree moved to attack him. He clamped it and he didn’t have another pee for the rest of the day until this morning.

Saluki Soaking the Sun

Saluki Soaking the Sun

This Saluki was born in Afghanistan, he’s not very happy in Canada, the weather’s not very warm, so whenever he comes to the beach, he lays in the warm sand and soaks the sun.

The guy said, that it was a street dog and his wife, working as part of an NGO in Afghanistan, brought him to Canada.

Agility Racing: Beagle Style

Agility Racing: Beagle Style

Beagles are terrible dogs for agility racing. Beagles are kind of agile dog, but they are not dogs. Beagles are noses on 4 wheels legs. So even during agility races, the only thing a beagle is really interested is sniffing and tracking some smell.

Whippet: Born to Run

Whippet: Born to Run

Whippets are born to run.

Whippets used to be the runt of the litter of the Greyhounds. The nobility would order the “peons” to kill them. The “peons” almost rebelled and decided to keep them. Then the “peons” bred them together because they had such a good character and were excellent runners. They don’t eat much, they don’t take too much space and they are very happy laying on the couch or laying by the fire most of the day.

Almost Catching The Ball

Almost Catching The Ball

Harley is a boxer mix. He loves chasing the ball. The problem is that his favorite park is an on-leash park only, and the park is not far from city hall, so his owners have to dodge the city employees. Harley’s owners already had a couple of tickets from the city-hall employees.

ZZZZ: Vancouver, BC

ZZZZ: Vancouver, BC

Bela is a 6 month old English Bulldog. She runs. She jumps (kind of). She bulldozes everything on her way. She will be the queen of destruction when she’ll grow up. For my benefit, she just shewed on an expensive leather couch and attacked a couple of toes, luckily not mine.

Crash: A Pomeranian/Chihuahua

Crash: A Pomeranian/Chihuahua

Crash is a Pomeranian Chihuahua mix that, according to Matt (his owner), never looks at the camera.

The theory about dog not looking at the camera, according to Turid Rugass, is that looking at each other in the eyes is a sign of aggression. Looking away is a calming down signal by dogs. On the other hand, dogs have no problem looking at somebody in the eyes to get a biscuit or another treat. Try that with a small peperoni or a small sausage…

Scottie vs. Cyclist: Vancouver, BC

Scottie vs. Cyclist: Vancouver, BC

I have seen a few people with their Chihuahua or their Yorkies in a pannier on the handle bar but a Scottish Terrier? Never.

Scotties have short legs but they are quite dense, this one looks like around 25/30 pounds Scottish Terrier. It’s not easy biking with such a heavy weight so high up from the wheel.

The Running Spirit: Vancouver, BC

The Running Spirit: Vancouver, BC

And yes, her name is Spirit. Spirit is a Long-Haired Collie, the Lassie type of Collie. Her owner gave her this name because she’s always running with her long flowing hairs.

Spirit loves to run. Did I say that she loves to run? She loves to chase her ball. According to her owner, she waits by the door with her leash so she can go to the park just across the street to run after her ball. The problem is when her owner has to go out without her and she left home to ‘hold the fort’.