
Super Woman

Super Woman

This woman photographer is amazing! She must be from the planet Krypton.

She’s an older person (I would guess in her late 50s, early 60s) and she carries a 1DMk4 with a 600mm f/4. She makes her photos HAND-HELD. That’s 24Lbs/11Kg at the end of her extended arm.

That day, the light was not the greatest, it was grey, low contrast and very cloudy. Either she’s super-woman or she uses ISO 100,000. Look at the arch of her back…

Intrepid Photographer

Intrepid Photographer

The guy is a professional. He rented a Canon 500 f/4L lens for the weekend. The lens was introduced in 1999 (not only it was the previous century, it was the previous millennium!).

There’s an IS (Image Stabilization) built in the lens. It’s OK for ‘kind of stabilizing’ the lens but… It’s not that good. The lens is just above 4kg/just above 9lbs, plus the camera, only supported by the left arm. Impressive!

The $149 Wedding Photography

The $149 Wedding Photography

If you look closely, you will notice that the $149 wedding photo is a singular. Yes, the $149 is for a single wedding photo. The photographer will come to the wedding and each photo chosen by the family will be $149. It does add up very quickly. This $149 photo is an 8x10 inch print plus the digital image.

It doesn’t include any album or any other print sizes.