River: Vancouver, BC

River: Vancouver, BC

My usual way of working is:

  • I usually spot the people with dogs about 50 meters to 100 meters away. That’s around 50 to 100 yards away.
  • I make sure that my dog is on my left and the leash is around my wrist. I make the photos while walking with my own dog. I get my position, which background I want to use…
  • I kneel on the ground with my right knee when the dog is about between 5 to 10 meters away or around 15 to 30 feet away.
AI and Detecting Dogs

AI and Detecting Dogs

Everybody talks about artificial intelligence and how it will revolutionize … (insert whatever topic you want). Currently, it’s mostly used for pattern matching and subject identification. Google has made available its “Google Vision API” to analyze photos.

Memory Cards Myths

This applies to all digital cameras including: Olympus/OM Systems, Panasonic/Lumix, Fujifilm, Canon, Nikon, Sony…

Myth #1: Do not erase images with your camera

Deleting images while reviewing is supposed to corrupt the memory card. Why don’t you try it yourself?

Dodoïte: The Happy Dumb Corgi Look

Dodoïte: The Happy Dumb Corgi Look

This is what I call Dodoïte’s ‘Dumb Corgi’ look. That’s when he’s happy. It’s just like a Corgi, except for his ears that are not straight up. Many people think that he’s an Australian Sheppard because of his ears.

Dog v. Dragon Boat

Dog v. Dragon Boat

Who’s faster? Is this dog running faster than the dragon boat crew behind?

On a short run, it’s not even a contest, the dog is much faster. Any dog, even a sausage dog aka a Dachshund, can out-accelerate a dragon boat. A Whippet or a Greyhound can easily out-accelerate a Porsche or a Ferrari. A Greyhound can reach 50 kilometers per hour in 3 steps.

Delete or Format The Flash Card?

You are done! After you’ve copied all of your photos from the memory card to the computer, should you:

  1. Delete all the photos from your memory card?
  2. Format the memory card on the computer?
  3. Format the memory card in the camera?

My preference, and that’s what I’ve been using for a while, is none of these three alternatives.

Jogging with Huskies

Jogging with Huskies

Many people jog on the weekend, especially on the Vancouver Seawall.

Often, I see people jogging with their dog but with two Huskies? Never before.

Actually Huskies are great for jogging, since they love to run in a group. Their only problem is the heat… but this was in the early spring and in the morning of a fairly cloudy day, as you can see from the shadow underneath the dogs and the joggers.

Will They Have The Same Image?

Will They Have The Same Image?

Will these 3 photographers have the same images?

Two of these photographers are taking images at 400mm. The Nikon guy uses a 70-200mm and the TC2x and his tripod is not fully spread out to have a little bit more height. The Canon guy uses a 100-400mm. The only guy that is slightly different is the guy at the back with a 500mm and the Better Beamer on his flash.

They all have the same position, they all have the same height and they all have very similar lenses. I’m always interested in the periphery. What are the other photographers not seeing or not doing? If I can find it then my photos will be very different.

The Boss: Vancouver, BC

The Boss: Vancouver, BC

In the doggy world, there’s always a boss. Whenever a person comes near and interact, the dog will reevaluate: who’s the boss? Whenever another dog comes near and interact, the dog will reevaluate: who’s the boss?